About SHARE Media

My name is Brandon. I am the Husband of Jen and the Father to Silas. We love exploring the outdoors and getting in a good hike whenever we can. I started SHARE Media in 2017, combining my degree in aviation with my love for videography. I have over 15 years of experience in customer service. It brings me joy to be able to serve others. I love bringing someone's video idea to life and getting to share that finished product with them for the first time. I believe God has gifted me with a heart of service for others. I am able to easily understand the big picture from a customers point of view while focusing on the little details that make all of the difference.

1 John 4:7-12


I create compelling stories through video to share peoples stories and ideas. 

I use videography and photography to capture these stories and ideas to package them together in an engaging way to share with audiences.


I love helping people grow, and become more comfortable with sharing who they are.

I believe God calls us to share our lives. The most effective way is honest and authentic sharing to create quicker and more trusting bonds with people. Our culture doesn’t want a perfect polished you (that is more for yourself!) They want to know the real you, that is our goal to help share your ideas.





Nothing beats a good day above the clouds!



Many of my favorite memories are from traveling with my family


I love getting out for a good bike ride with others! Click on this picture to watch me show off some of the cycling Mankato has to offer (Follow me on Strava)